SDVC33-M Dual Channel Digital Variable Frequency Vibratory Feeder Controller SDVC33-M:3.5A

  • SDVC33-M Dual Channel Digital Variable Frequency Vibratory Feeder Controller
  • SDVC33-M Dual Channel Digital Variable Frequency Vibratory Feeder Controller
  • SDVC33-M Dual Channel Digital Variable Frequency Vibratory Feeder Controller
  • SDVC33-M Dual Channel Digital Variable Frequency Vibratory Feeder Controller
Item Code:SDVC33-M:3.5A Features:
  • Description


SDVC33 Dual Digital FM Vibration Feed Controller is a compact general-purpose dual FM output controller that provides unique performance through the use of the latest electronic technology and careful design. Its special features include:

◆Dual-channel power output that can distribute current arbitrarily, supports setting the overcurrent protection current of each channel.

◆Dual-channel working mode can choose frequency tracking, voltage tracking or frequency-voltage dual tracking.

◆During frequency tracking, the phase difference between the two outputs can be set from -180°~180°.

◆The output frequency range covers 5Hz to 999.9Hz with 0.1Hz accuracy.

◆Brake function to quickly stop the vibratory feeder by shifting the current phaseby 180° during the soft-stop process.

◆Intelligent photoelectric ports support photo-sensors, NPN or PNP switch sensors.

◆Overflow control port supports NPN, PNP or auto-adaptive type.

◆Control output port supports NPN, PNP or push-pull output mode.

◆The remote speed control port can be cross-selected, allowing one potentiometerto control two outputs at the same time.

◆The remote control coefficient function can magnify or reduce the control effectof the remote control voltage by 1 times.

◆LED display brightness adjustment function supports 32-level brightnessadjustment.

◆User parameter save and restore function, allowing users to set parameters andsave them in the user group for easy recovery.

◆Factory reset function supports sub-channel A/B recovery or whole controllerrecovery.

◆Complete protection functions include: main output short-circuit protection,overcurrent protection, overheating or overcooling protection, undervoltage/overvoltage protection, control output short-circuit protection, 24V output short-circuitprotection, speed regulation 5V output short-circuit protection.


Front View

Bottom View

Technical Specifications


◆ Dimensions:94.5*61.8*190(L*W*H,mm)


Product Specification

SDVC33-MDual Channel Digital Variable Frequency Vibratory Feeder Controller Catalogue

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